Hello families of Portable 13:
We are now a couple of weeks into Term 2, and that means for Grade 5 students, there are only 4 1/2 months left of their time here at Thorncliffe Park P.S. Exciting and scary at the same time. We have SO much to do before then!
We are finishing up a few things. In Language, we are working on a Writing Project. Students chose their favourite/best entry from their Writer's Notebooks, and are turning it into a larger project. They must write 2 additional pieces of writing in a different text format about the same topic. For example, if a student chose an entry on homelessness, and it was an opinion piece, they might do a research paper on homelessness, and a letter to the mayor persuading him to do something about homelessness. All 3 pieces of writing will be revised and edited, and will be published in an interesting way, and be presented to fellow students and their teachers. THIS WILL BE DUE THE WEEK BEFORE MARCH BREAK (MARCH 7 OR 8)), SO STUDENTS SHOULD BE WORKING ON IT.
Also in Language, students are split into Literature Circle groups, and are reading different mystery novels. We have discussed the aspects of a mystery, and how their novel fits into that genre. STUDENTS SHOULD BE READING THEIR ASSIGNED CHAPTERS, AND COMING UP WITH "GOOD" QUESTIONS TO ASK, THAT THEY WILL DISCUSS WITH THEIR GROUP DURING LITERATURE CIRCLES. (ASK YOUR CHILD WHAT A "GOOD" QUESTION IS!) THERE WILL BE A FINAL ASSIGNMENT ON THEIR NOVEL (SOMETHING CREATIVE) THAT WILL BE DUE IN LATE MARCH.
We just finished up a Geometry unit where we looked at identifying, measuring, and creating angles. We identified and sorted various triangles, polygons, and 3-dimensional solids according to their attributes, and created triangles, and nets for prisms and pyramids. THERE IS A UNIT TEST/TASK ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (this coming Tuesday).
Students turned the biographies they wrote into a glog (an on-line, interactive poster). They can be accessed from home computers. Ask your child!
Our Queen's Teacher candidate will be taking over some of the teaching in the next 3 weeks. He will be doing a Reading/Writing unit on Greek Mythology, and a Math unit on probability. By the end of these units, students will be writing their own myth, and creating a game where they must discuss all the aspects of probability that they learn. Probability is part of the data management unit. We will be doing a lot of games/experiments/explorations IN CLASS.
Students will have anchor charts up on the walls so they know the expectations and success criteria for these assignments, and will get individual copies as well. There will be more on these assignments closer to the time.
These units MAY be completed by March break, but we may need to finish after March break.
In connection with Social Studies, we have already started looking at aspects of a civilization, and what a civilization needs and wants. This will lead to a closer study of Ancient Greece as a class, and other ancient civilizations in groups or partners.
No school Monday, February 18 - Family Day
No school March Break - March 11 - 15
In this wet weather, it is important for students to have shoes that they ONLY wear indoors. It is also an idea to keep extra socks/clothing in case they get wet.
Also keep an eye out for students writing blog posts as part of our writing programme.
I will blog again when there's more to tell.
Try asking your children every day, "Tell me something new you learned today." Or "What did you do today in _____________".
Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Family Day!
Ms. Bordonaro