Hello parents and students of Room 204:
Welcome to another year of school! You are in your last year here at Thorncliffe Park P.S., and I hope that it will be fantastic. I am enjoying getting to know the students, and they seem eager and enthusiastic. We have already had some engaging and thoughtful discussions. I look forward to growing and learning together.
This year, I will be teaching your child Language, Math, and French. Ms. Halliwell is their Science teacher, and Ms. Kwong teaches them Social Studies and Art. Their Gym teacher is Mr. Dodds, and Ms. Rainsberry-Parker teaches Music, Drama, Dance.
To communicate with any of us, the best way is to write a note in your child's agenda. The school has agendas available for $5 or you can provide your own. It is important that they have something at school with them every day.
I will be posting on this blog what is happening in class, but ask your child specific questions about activities. I know from experience that if you ask, "How was school?", they will say "Fine", and walk away. So, ask your child about:
. Books we've read: Name Jar and David Goes to School
. Figure Me Out Math
. Name Math
. Name Art
. Letter to Ms. B
. People Bingo
. Name Game
. "I Like My Neighbour Who..."
. Reading is Thinking
. A Great Classmate activity
You can click on the other pages to see reminders, upcoming events, homework, links to educational websites, what's happening in class this week.
I will be sending home a schedule, but in general, on Days 1-5 students have Language and Math in the morning, and rotary subjects in the afternoon (French, Science, Social Studies, Gym, Music). On Days 6-10, it is the reverse: rotary in the morning, Language and Math in the afternoon. Students have Music/Drama/Dance on Days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and Gym on Days 3, 4, 7, 9, 10.
Homework will mostly be work that is not finished in class, but students should be reading AT LEAST 20 minutes per day, and I will be introducing a writing programme where they must write their own topics independently at home 2-3 times per week.
I hope that we will we have a fun, exciting, engaging year together, and I look forward to you supporting your child's learning.
Ms. Bordonaro