Students have had an exciting week. We've worked on our novel study, done some measuring, and participated in an amazing workshop about Wind Turbines.
On Wednesday, a guest from TREC, Mr.Sanders, came into our classroom and did a presentation on forms of energy, and then focused on wind energy. Students then set up miniature wind turbines, and did experiments to test how much energy was being produced, and to light up a light bulb. This workshop was both informative and enjoyable!
This morning was a our holiday sing-along. Students and staff sang holiday favourites together, and Ms. Bordonaro even played her guitar and led the singing for Feliz Navidad.
I have truly enjoyed teaching the students this part of the term.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. I encourage you to spend time together, and experience much love and laughter.
Be safe, and enjoy the time off. Students...try to do SOME reading and writing, and LEARN YOUR TIMESTABLES!!!!!
All the best,
Ms. Bordonaro